Globalization and Social Networking

Last night while I was passing by a wall at 2 am and I was quite amazed to see that it was as lively and fabulous as it can be around 2 pm. People over there were smiling, enjoying and sharing their thoughts and were making friends.

Even they were writing their thoughts and emotions on the wall. Though it’s not good to write on public wall but not in this case. As this wall has specially been designed so that people can speak their heart out. That wasn’t an ordinary wall. That was Mark Zuckerberg’s innovative Facebook wall and the page on which people were sharing their thoughts was Express Interactive page.

Over the years due to increased competition and globalization life has changed considerably and so as the human beings. They have made a lot of discoveries and inventions and ways to adapt to ever changing paradigm of life. In today’s changing world socialization has become vital to keep oneself up to date with his friends and family. But No one has that much time to hangout with friends or family after coming from office or college lately. Just at the moment when people especially young one’s were getting away from their friends and family there come Mark Zuckerberg to help all of them and launched Facebook. Facebook altogether changed the life of people especially the youth across the globe. People are sharing their views, making friends, discussing political and economic issues, making business partners, finding life partners, promoting their business and increasing their vote bank through Facebook. Infact Facebook has become a complete solution for every one.

People are finding their lost and old mates through Facebook. Many mothers have found their lost sons and many wives have found their lost husbands. Even people are miles away from each other they are intact with their loved ones through Facebook. One can keep himself update with the happenings at other end by Facebook. People are so much used to and attracted by Facebook that every one updates his status of even little happenings. News agencies, Television channels are updating news as their status messages regularly and same is the case with all the leading brands and products. Celebrities and political figures are attracting people with their campaigns. Facebook has provided a new and effective platform to brand celebrities, political figures, companies and products.

Till date total population of world is around 7 billion out of which 500 million are using Facebook regularly which constitutes around 7.15% of total population and this number is increasing by every passing day. In Pakistan out of 170 million population around 28 million are using Facebook and these numbers are increasing by every day. The magic of Facebook is working every where and with more innovative applications and easiness I hope it will continue to add more value in people’s life.
